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Engaging in Twitter chats is one of the best ways to network with the Twitter community, get new followers, and showcase your expertise. With your participation in each Twitter chat, you have an opportunity to learn new things, get noticed by top marketing influencers, and grow your followers. And when you provide interesting answers to chat questions, you’ll likely get noticed by the right people who will mention/retweet you, thereby increasing your exposure.
In this article, you’ll get to know about the 10 best Twitter chats for marketers.
1. #Bufferchat by Buffer
If you are a social media marketing professional, then participating in #bufferchat is not just educational, but also fun. #Bufferchat focuses on a variety of marketing topics to keep the marketing pros hooked.
#Bufferchat takes place every Wednesday at 9 AM PST. You can also go to Buffer’s blog to catch recap of the chat.
2. #InboundHour by HubSpot
The leaders of Inbound Marketing, HubSpot, host a Twitter chat called #InboundHour which focuses on tips for inbound marketing — critical for your digital marketing strategy.
#InboundHour chat takes place every Thursday at 1PM PST.
3. #SEMrushchat by SEMrush
Lots of digital marketing influencers participate in #SEMrushchat hosted by SEMrush. Their topics revolve around SEO and content marketing.
#SEMrushchat takes place at 8AM PST every Wednesday.
4. #Hootchat by Hootsuite
Do you use Hootsuite to schedule your social media posts? Then you need to tune into #Hootchat to improve your social media marketing skills.
#Hootchat takes place every Thursday at 12 PM PST.
5. #LinkedInChat by LinkedIn
Are you one of those social media marketing professionals who swear by the power of LinkedIn? Then participating in #LinkedInChat is a must for you. You can hone your LinkedIn marketing skills by asking questions regarding the platform in this Twitter chat and get useful tips and insights about LinkedIn.
#LinkedInChat takes place every Tuesday at 5PM PST.
6. #SproutChat by Sprout Social
Hosted by Sprout Social, #SproutChat focuses on a variety of topics under social media marketing.
#SproutChat takes place on Wednesday at 12 PM PST.
7. #CoChat by CoSchedule App
Looking for content marketing and copywriting tips and tricks? Then #CoChat, hosted by CoScheduleApp, is for you.
#CoChat takes place every Thursday at 1 PM PST.
8. #CMWorld by Content Marketing World
Content Marketing World hosts #CMWorld which provides the chat participants with useful resources and tips to improve their content game.
#CMWorld chat takes place every Tuesday at 9AM PST.
9. #AtomicChat by Atomic Reach
Yet another Twitter chat to participate in to improve your content marketing skills. #AtomicChat is also great for learning about community building.
#AtomicChat takes place every Monday at 6PM PST.
10. #LikeableChat by Likeable Media
#LikeableChat is hosted by Likeable Media, a social media agency and the chat mainly focuses on social media marketing topics.
#LikeableChat takes place every Tuesday at 2PM PST.
Before participating in these Twitter chats, it’s important to learn more about Twitter chat etiquette. Each Twitter chat will have its own set of rules to be followed. So be sure to know them in advance. Also be aware of the hashtags to be used for the Twitter chats so that your tweets are noticed.