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January 3, 2018If you are already familiar with Facebook and other social media analytics, you know how important it is for your business. Apart from tracking and understanding how your posts are performing, you can do crazy targeting to attract your target audience or customers with the data you’ve obtained. (Read our post on setting social media goals and tracking them to learn more)
Pinterest is a place where people are looking for ideas based on their interests. Some people are also looking to make buying decisions, which is critical for your business. With Pinterest statistics showing the growth rate of Pinterest users all over the world, it’s not hard to imagine how important Pinterest is for businesses.
How to Use Pinterest Analytics for Your Business
Learning Pinterest Analytics helps you learn more about your marketing efforts and how you can tailor your strategy to influence your target audience. It helps to understand what’s working and what’s not based on your marketing efforts, with the help of valuable insights.
Pinterest Analytics has 3 categories that help track minute details and help refine your content strategy. The categories are:
- Profile Analytics
- Website analytics
- Audience Analytics
When it comes to Pinterest, you must familiarize yourself with the following 3 metrics:
1. Impressions
This reflects the number of times your pin showed up on the newsfeed, search results and category feeds. Simply put, it means the number of views your pin gets. You can analyze this metric based on a time frame of your choice (7, 14 or 30 days) and it gives you a measure of the right frequency you must follow to get noticed.
2. Re-pins
This is how pins are shared on Pinterest. Re-pin reflects the number of times people saved your pins on their boards. Along with repins, you can also identify the repinners (or pinners) and identify your audience. If you observe that specific posts on your profile or website are getting a lot of repins, it is in your best interest to create more of such content.
3. Clicks
This indicates the number of clicks that have led to your website from your pins. You can analyze the pins that have gotten the most clicks over a specific period of time and plan your content strategy accordingly. We will discuss more on this as we proceed.
Important Pinterest Analytics Metrics Explained
For ease of understanding, we will discuss the metrics one by one in terms of how they fall under the 3 categories of Pinterest analytics and how you can interpret the data to drive results.
1. Top Pins from the Last 30 days
Profile Analytics
Analysing the top pins over the last 30 days and the impressions, repins and clicks garnered by them, helps micro-monitor your social media performance. Higher Impressions indicate the trending topics people are searching for. Adding more of similar pins will help your brand reach more like-minded people.
Higher repins indicate that people are finding those pins interesting enough to be saved for future reference. It reflects their interests and what they like in your profile.
Pins with high clicks indicate a transactional intent. It means that people either want to learn more about it or want to take action or buy that content. It makes sense to include similar pins from your website to boost targeted traffic from Pinterest.
Website Analytics
As the name suggests, when you are analyzing your website performance on Pinterest, the list shows you the pins from your website with the highest impressions over the last 30 days. Based on the data, you can add more of similar pins and boards. It also gives a fair idea of the kind of posts you can publish on your blog or website.
2. Top Boards From the Last 30 Days
Profile Analytics
This gives you a table of the boards from which people are seeing your pins and where people are saving your pins. As for the list of top pins, check the Impressions, Repins and Clicks data for each of the boards to analyze their performance.
Once you identify your top performing boards, look for the themes that are trending in each of these boards and publish more of such posts on your website and pins on your profile. For example, if you observe that “Backpacking” is a trending theme in your top boards, involve more of related content as a part of your marketing strategy.
Website Analytics
While analyzing your website, Pinterest shows you the list of top boards that contain a lot of pins to your website. They can be one of your own boards or boards others have created. The list gives you an idea of how people are segregating or organizing your content.
If you notice that a particular piece of content on Pinterest or your website is getting a lot of repins, create more pins and boards with similar content on your profile and update your website content to match the trend.
3. All-Time Stats
Profile Analytics
The all-time stats is a collection of various performance metrics for your profile since the inception of your account. It includes the following metrics;
- Your All-Time most repinned Pins
- Best in Search (Pins that rank highly in search)
- Power Pins (Pins with all-time high engagement)
Website Analytics
Similar to profile analytics, you can identify the all-time high performing pins that lead to your website. Be on the lookout for common themes in those pins, like the images, theme, color and other parameters and identify similarities between high performing pins.
4. Original Pins (Pin it button)
Pinterest Analytics has added a new feature that allows you to track the number of unique pins on a daily basis. This helps you figure out how much of the unique content on your website is getting pinned and “Who” is pinning it.
It’s important that you optimize your website towards being more “pin-friendly” and facilitate easy sharing on Pinterest. Also, letting people know about your presence on Pinterest by adding a follow button in the header and footer of the page, helps build a loyal following and increases engagement for your pins. Latest statistics show that a major share of Pinterest users use mobile phones for browsing and it’s paramount that you make your website mobile friendly.
The pins created from your website will lead to repins and those repins will lead new traffic back to your website thus creating a ripple effect. Using an official “Pin-it” button on your website helps you map the amount of traffic that is being driven back to you.
5. Demographics
Along with analyzing your profile and website, it’s also important to get to know your audience and how they are behaving with regard to your brand. If there’s a person who has pinned at least one pin from your profile or website, you can identify who that is, where that person lives and their gender. This helps to optimize your content for specific audiences. For example, if you notice that certain pins are popular among Indians, you can focus on creating similar content or products that resonate with the Indian audience and seize the opportunity.
6. Interests
Pinterest has taken this a step further by providing insights into your audience’s interests and how they perceive your brand. You can have a look at their boards and how they are segregating the pins from your profile or website. It also helps to check who else your audience is following, as it helps you keep a tab on your competition and get ideas for creating better content and always be on your toes.
Pinterest Analytics Tools
1) Analytics by Pinterest
This is a free tool offered by Pinterest and is accessible once you create your business account and verify your website. The Pinterest Analytics tool helps you analyze all the basic metrics discussed above like Impressions, Repins, Clicks, demographics, and interests. You can track how your posts have been performing over a chosen period of time and also check the all-time stats for your profile and boards.
Pinterest analytics has a feature to map the traffic generated by the original pin-it tab on your website. The repins created from this tab, lead to impressions and further repins on Pinterest that resend targeted referral traffic back to your website.
The analytics tool also helps identify who your audience is, what their interests are and the device they are using to access Pinterest.
2) Tailwind
Tailwind is powered by the official Pinterest business insights API. In addition to tracking followers and engagement trends for repins at the profile, boards, and individual pin level, Tailwind also gives you a parameter called the “Virality Score”.
It is a tangible figure arrived at by dividing the total number of repins by the number of pins in your profile. Higher the virality score, better the performance of your brand. In simple words, your virality score indicates how many repins you get per pin on an average. I addition to your profile, the virality score can also be calculated for individual boards to analyze their performance.
Tailwind also provides other metrics like Engagement Score and Engagement Rate based on virality score, total followers in your account and how much engagement your posts are receiving.
This tool has a feature to send the analytics summary personally to your inbox so that you can have a look at it whenever you want.
Tailwind ca be easily integrated with Google analytics and proves helpful if you are keen on tracking your ROI with specific details like visits, transactions and revenue down to the individual pin. This is a tool that comes in handy while using Pinterest for businesses.
3) ViralWoot
ViralWoot is a tool that has been growing steadily over the years. To summarize your marketing efforts with a number, it provides a metric called the “Pinfluence Score”. It also provides necessary suggestions on how you can improve the engagement levels for your pins.
Viralwoot offers a simplified table that displays the analyzed metrics like the number of followers, repins, likes, follow ratio, comments, average likes and repins per day for all your boards.
Viralwoot stands out with its analytics part by offering valuable suggestions like the best times to pin and the best colors that work on Pinterest. It has a feature to track your board’s SEO level to increase the search impressions and traffic.
You can also discover keywords you can target on Pinterest and perform a spam test to avoid the possibility of your account getting flagged.
4) Curalate
Curalate is a great tool to assist with visual marketing and analytics across different portals. It is the only visual analytics provider to be included in Pinterest’s business insights API initiative.
Curalate identifies the people who share your images and facilitates relationship building with your brand’s followers. What’s unique with Curalate is that it helps you track the other boards where your pins are shared and interactions are happening. The Curalate interface then helps you interact with your these followers by clicking the “Respond” tab, without having to log into your Pinterest account.
Curalate recognizes the specific images and colors that are pinned more and encourage you to use more of such images on your website. For example, an image with a specific angle of a brown colored shoe might be more popular than the same shoe with a different shade and angle.
You can have a quick look at the amount of engagement you are receiving through likes, comments, and shares that are displayed on the dashboard. Curalate also groups keywords based on your account settings and helps you find related pins, their descriptions, followers and competitor keywords.
Curalate originally began as a platform for Pinterest analytics and has now extended its presence to Instagram as well. This is, without a second thought, the best tool if you are looking to promote across both the channels simultaneously and analyze the metrics on the same dashboard. You can get your feet wet using the trial version and continue with their paid services if it resonates with you.
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